PARSHAS at the back of the hill

These are my notes on the weekly Torah portion. Posted separately from my regular blog ( ) as a matter of convenience. [Note: feel free to e-mail me - my e-mail is listed in my profile in the occupation field.]

Thursday, February 08, 2007


Firstly, I apologize. I still haven't quite finished wrestling with Parshas Beshalach (and may decide to merely skim over Shirat HaYam - which is at once both gloatsome and and an expression of gratitude for divine intercession), and have sofar only barely touched on Yisro, which though shorter is no less interesting and provoking. And at present I have the mother of all colds, which is a bit distracting.

[Pieces on both those parshas will be posted here, but the posting time will not be tied in to reality, in order to maintain sequence.]

This week's writers on Parshas Yisro:

Moshe David Tokayer, Sfas Emes' first ma'amar on Yisro:

Moshe David Tokayer, Sfas Emes' second ma'amar on Yisro:

Moshe David Tokayer, Sfas Emes' third ma'amar on Yisro:

[Note: The Sfas Emes (Rabbi Yehudah Leib Alter, second Rebbe of Ger, grandson of the Chiddushei HaRim) has sometimes surprising, sometimes overwhelming insights, and sees connections which at first seem unusual, but once grasped are both logical and inspiring.
Very little of his writing is available in English, though b'ezras Hashem sometime soon Dr. Nosson Chayim Leff may finally publish a sefer based on his shiurim on the Sfas Emes, and Artscroll has published writings by Rabbi Yosef Stern on the thought of the Sfas Emes. A five volume set of the Sfas Emes was published a number of years ago in Hebrew that is worth acquiring.]

While not strictly a piece about Parshas Yisro, Mevaseretzion has an interesting post (here: ) which touches on both the parsha and Sinai, while delving into an array of matters. Hard to describe. Read it.


Note also that Margavriel has an interesting bit (here: ) about psook 14:7(*), which is from last week's parsha.
So far naught this week. He's gone to Jerusalem, and may still be adapting. And is perhaps jet-lagged.

(*) For your reference, psook 14:7 "Vayikach shesh-meot rechev bachur vechol rechev Mitzrayim veshalishim al-kulo" (And he took six hundred chosen chariots, and all the chariots of Egypt, and captains over all of them). Rashi's opinion is, predictably, disturbing. But Rashi's comment is limited to a war situation.


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